Photo Credit: Dana Moica
[West University of Timisoara]

Mădălina ERAŞCU

Associate Professor
Faculty of Mathematics & Informatics,
Computer Science Department
West University of Timisoara, Romania

[IeAT] Researcher
Institute e-Austria Timisoara

Email: madalina dot erascu at e-uvt dot ro

Short bio




Prospective students



I am Associate Professor at West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Mathematics & Informatics, Computer Science Department.

I am also Researcher at Institute e-Austria Timisoara.

Research interests:

  • Formal Methods, in particular Static Software Verification;
  • Automated Theorem Proving, in particular First-Order Theorem Proving;
  • Symbolic Computation, in particular Polynomial Algebra.
with applications in Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence.

Other interests:

  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Technology and Education


  • I co-chair the iFM 2024 PhD Symposium. Please advise your students to submit!
  • On 2024 April 26th, I defended my Habilitation Thesis entitled Formal Methods Supported by Symbolic Computation for Engineering Applications in Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence. The examination commetee was composed by Laura Kovacs (Technical University Wien), Dorel Lucanu (Universitatea Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi) and Alin Ştefănescu (Universiatea Bucureşti). Thank you to them and to all my collaborators during the years. You can download the presentation from here, the abstract from here, the full thesis from here and the verification sheet from here.
  • I am offering Bachelor/Master theses and Research Stages on a continous base. See an up-to-date list here.
  • I conduct a Young Research Teams Project. Check it here.
  • In the next academic year I will be teaching courses on entrepreneurship:
    • Entrepreneurship Skills (mandatory)
    • Entrepreneurship Skills - practical applications (facultative)
    Their content and format are inspired by those followed at University of Rochester during the Fulbright-RAF scholarship. These are the first courses for Computer Science students in our department and I'm glad they were introduced in the 2nd year of Bachelor studies. They follow the slogan Come and see, so if you want to participate and/or contribute, contact me!